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The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

Jual Novel Import The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

On October 8, 1871, one small spark ignites the entire city of Chicago, sending its residents into panic. But amid the chaos, a chance encounter leads to an unexpected new love. Wiggs's USA Today bestselling trilogy is now reissued.

Chicago is burning
And Lucy Hathaway is running for her life. As she rushes past a fine hotel engulfed in flames, a wrapped bundle tumbles from a window into her arms. Seconds later the building crumbles—and Lucy is astonished to discover the swaddled blanket contains a baby.

Five years later Lucy walks into Rand Higgins's bank and knows: the orphan she rescued that day actually belongs to this ruthless financier. Now, to keep the child she's come to love, she'll have to give up her hard-won freedom and become his wife. But giving Rand her heart? That, she could never have expected…

Informasi Buku

Judul The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)
Penulis: Susan Wiggs
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: 384 Halaman
Berat Buku: 185 gram
Penerbit: Mira Books
Tahun: 2001 Cetakan ke 1
Harga Buku: Rp. 30.000,-
Kondisi: Cukup (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Kertas halaman kuning kecoklatan dan ada bekas terlipat. LIHAT FOTO

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The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

The Firebrand (The Chicago Fire Trilogy)

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