The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud | Aksiku Toko Buku Bekas Online
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The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

Jual Buku Import The Ghosn Factor

The Ghosn Factor presents a daunting profile of Carlos Ghosn, the turnaround corporate artist who is about to surpass himself by heading Renault in France while continuing as CEO of Nissan in Japan. In this book Miguel Rivas-Micoud tells the Ghosn story in 24 concise and bite-size chapters of analysis, history, anecdotes and quotations, principally drawn from extended interviews with his subject.

Learn how Ghosn is able to generate value where others have failed, and what the man says and thinks The Ghosn Factor shows how managers and employees alike can quickly bring or keep their organizations on track for lasting profitable growth.

Informasi Buku

Judul The Ghosn Factor: 24 Inspiring Lessons From Carlos Ghosn, The Most Succesful Transnational CEO (The Employee Handbook For Enhancing Corporate Performance)
Penulis: Miguel Rivas-Micoud
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: v, 53 Halaman
Berat Buku: 100 gram
Penerbit: McGraw-Hill Education (Asia)
Tahun: 2006 Cetakan ke 1
Harga Buku: Rp. 30.000,-
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Dibalik cover depan ada sedikit bercak kuning. LIHAT FOTO

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The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

The Ghosn Factor by Miguel Rivas-Micoud

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