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Think Like A Manager

Jual Buku Import Think Like A Manager

Born to manage? Few people are born with skills to manage people, projects, departments or companies. The good news is that anyone who's commited to the pursuit of excellence can learn effective management skills. And this book shows you how. More than a management theory book. Think Like a Manager - newly revised and packed with more information than ever - is a practical, nuts-and-bolts guide that will help you become a better manager by:
  • Establishing and meeting realistic goals and objectives.
  • Developing planning and time-management skills.
  • Mastering the secrets of motivating yourself and others.
  • Giving performance apparisals that improve productivity and increase morale.
  • Building teamwork and cooperation.
  • Solving everyday crises that every manager faces.
Think Like a Manager is ideal for all managers, supervisors, executives or entreprenuers who want to develop their skills to the highest degree.

Dr. Roger Fritz writes from more than 30 years experience as a manager, corporate executive, university president and highly successful consultant, whose 200-plus clients include AT&T, Pizza Hut and Sara Lee. He has published 17 other books.

Rincian Informasi Buku

Judul Think Like A Manager: Everything they didn't tell you when they promoted you! (Second Edition)
Penulis: Roger Fritz, Ph.D.
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: xiv, 304 Halaman
Berat Buku: 570 gram
Penerbit: S.S.Mubaruk & Brothers Pte Ltd (Career Press)
Tahun: 1995
Harga Buku: Rp. 45.000,-
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/ORIGINAL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)

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Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

Think Like A Manager

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