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Vijay Batra
» Management Ideas In Action
Management Ideas In Action
Jual Buku Import: Management Ideas In Action
Penulis: Promod Batra, Vijay Batra, Deepak Mahendru
Tebal buku: xxiv, 528 halaman
Harga buku: Rp. 40.000,-HABIS
Berat Buku: 600 g
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Penerbit: Think Inc Tahun: 2003 Cet.1
Halaman pembuka terdapat dan sisi kanan buku terdapat Stempel, tanda tangan.
Self-Knowledge is The Beginning of Self-Improvement.
Management is think, ask, do. Management is doing small, small things greatly. Management is doing things your way, since more often than not you do not get a job manual!
Are you the 6th Blind Man?! Life is funny, very funny! You buy a Colour TV, and you get a manual and good service afterwards. But it is not so when we are born, get a job, get married, become a father or mother, a grandfather or a grandmother.
So each one of us muddles through life. When I reflect on my past, the six blind men and the elephant story come up on my mental screen. Here is a suggestion, for whatever it's worth, make your own manual!
For your own job manual. Start with this book. Add on to it. Small, small ideas. From every place and everywhere. This way you will become the missing 6th blind men who will rise above to see a "helicopter view" of the job.
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