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Corgi Books
Dan Brown
» The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon Book 3)
The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon Book 3)
Jual Novel The Lost Symbol (Robert Langdon Book 3)
Penulis: Dan Brown
Tebal: 672 halaman
Harga: Rp. 40.000,- Habis
Berat Buku: 370 g
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover Kondisi: Cukup, Lihat foto (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Penerbit: Corgi Books Tahun: 2009 Cet.1
Halaman pembuka terdapat Stempel dan beberapa halaman tipis bekas kena air.
The Capitol Building, Washington DC: Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon believes he is here to give a lecture. He is wrong. Within minutes of his arrival, a shocking object is discovered. It is a gruesome invitation into an ancient world of hidden wisdom.
When Langdon's mentor, Peter Solomon - prominent mason and philanthropist - is kidnapped, Langdon realizes that his only hope of saving his friend's life is to accept this mysterious summons.
It is to take him on a breathless chase through Washington's dark history. All that was familiar is changed into a shadowy, mythical world in which Masonic secrets and never-before-seen revelations seem to be leading him to a single impossible and inconceivable truth...
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