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The Nature of Human Consciouness (A Book Of Readings)
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Robert E. Ornstein
Judul: The Nature of Human Consciouness (A Book Of Readings)
Penulis: Robert E. Ornstein
Tebal: xiv, 514 Halaman
Harga: Rp. 50.000,-HABIS
Berat Buku: 900 g
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover Kondisi: Cukup (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Penerbit: W.H.Freeman and Company Tahun: 1973 Cet.1

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Drawn from the fields of anthropology, psychology, philosophy, mystical religion, and physiology, these readings provide a fascinating tableau of insights into human consciousness. Here the ideas of William James shed light on those of Idries Shah, who writes of the Sufis. Here Carl Jung's discussion of "Synchronicity" provides background for Charles Tart's "Preliminary Notes on the Nature of Psi Processes."

In The Nature of Human Consciousness, a young and imaginative psychologist and researcher has collected and conceptually integrated 41 articles into a book that will serve as stimulating supplementary reading for courses in cognition or consciousness. Together with The Psychology of Consciousness, by the same author, it can form the basis for such a course.


ROBERT E. ORNSTEIN is a research psychologist with the Institute for the Study of Human Consciousness at the Langley Porter

Neuropsychiatric Institute; he also teaches at the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco. He is the author of

several books, including the Psychology of Consciousness (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1972)

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