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Macmillan Children's Books
» Puppy Love by Anna Wilson
Puppy Love by Anna Wilson
Judul: Puppy Love
Penulis: Anna Wilson
Tebal: 200 Halaman
Harga: Rp. 20.000,-HABIS
Berat Buku: 180 g
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover Kondisi: Cukup (Buku Bekas/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Penerbit: Macmillan Children's Books Tahun: 2008 Cet.1
Kertas halaman ada bercak kekuningan. Bagian bawah beberapa Halaman belakang buku sedikit ada bekas air. LIHAT FOTO
In my life I have wished a million thousand times for a puppy, so was officially over the moon when I finally obtained parental consent to get Honey. Since she moved in we have had some extremely funny adventures while dealing with my weird sister April's frankly unfortunate love crush on Honey's vet.
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