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The Billionaire Codes (Pierre Senjaya & Bong Chandra)
Judul: The Billionaire Codes (Two Men - One Message)
Penulis: Pierre Senjaya & Bong Chandra
Bahasa: Indonesia
Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: 284 Halaman
Berat Buku: 320 g
Penerbit: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Tahun: Agustus 2012
Kondisi: Bagus (Buku Baru Stock Lama/SEGEL/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
Harga: Rp. 40.000,-HABIS


Setiap orang memiliki jiwa entrepreneur, tetapi bagaimana menumbuhkembangkannya agar bisa menjadi entrepreneur yang sukses? Buku ini menyajikan kisah-kisah inspiratif dari para tokoh sukses dengan segala gaya dan keunikan mereka dalam mengembangkan sayap kesuksesan. Buku ini akan membuka wawasan pembaca tentang ide serta konsep bisnis yang cemerlang.

Menjabarkan 10 kode rahasia kesuksesan para miliader:
Code #1: Dare Dreamer
Code #2: Sharpen Your Mind
Code #3: Managing People
Code #4: Culture Cracker
Code #5: The Future Power
Code #6: Science Convergence
Code #7: Financial Intelligence
Code #8: Stay Away from the Easy Way
Code #9: The Impact Maker
Code #10: Billionaire DNA,

serta menyajikan kisah para tokoh sukses yang berani bermimpi besar dan bekerja keras demi mencapai kesuksesan yang luar biasa, di antaranya:
- Sandiaga Uno, Si Tangan Emas Beride Brilian
- Hengky Setiawan, Master Telekomunikasi
- Stanley S. Atmadja, The Master Mind behind Adira
- Ade Rai, Pelopor Dunia Kebugaran Indonesia dari Pulau Dewata.

"The one message is loud and clear—all billionaires and successful people follow a "Code"; and that magic "Code" is revealed in this book. Clear, simple, definitely practicable and absolutely PROVEN! Read this book, learn the code, apply the code and become a billionaire yourself! Well done Bong & Pierre!"
— James Gwee; Indonesia's Favourite Seminar Speaker & Trainer, Founder CARE for the Nation

"Not your regular how-to book. This is a handbook done right, with real life stories that inspire readers; a practical guidance for formulating your success regardless of your personality trait. I am hopeful that this book will make the entrepreneurial spirit of those who read it and motivate the future generation of Indonesia to thrive."
— Rachmat Harsono; President of Entrepreneur Organization Indonesian Chapter 2012-2013, Executive Vice President of PT Aneka Gas Industri and Samator Group, Co-Founder of Redsquare F & B Group

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