Jual Novel: Edensor (English Version) | Aksiku Toko Buku Bekas Online
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Jual Novel: Edensor (English Version)

Judul: Edensor (English Version)
Penulis: Andrea Hirata

Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: viii + 240 Halaman
Berat Buku: 200 g
Penerbit: PT Bentang Pustaka
Tahun: July 2011
Kondisi: Bagus (BUKU BEKAS/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)

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Harga: Rp. 30.000,- (SOLD OUT)


I longed to inhale all sorts of experience and then explore the labyrinthine ins and outs of life that in the end cannot be guessed. I yearned for possibilities that react with each other, like the collision of uranium molecules: binding, multiplying, bursting, and dispersing in unexpected directions. I wanted to go to faraway places and meet with endless varieties of foreign languages and peoples. I wished to rove, finding my direction through reading the stars of constellations. I wanted to cross fields and deserts, to be burned by the sun until I blistered, to be shook by the assaulting wind, and shrink from being gripped by cold. I wanted a life that was thrilling, filled with conquest. I wanted to live! To feel the essence of being!

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