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Home » , , , , , , » The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (Full Story 3 in 1 book all episodes, English Version)

The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (Full Story 3 in 1 book all episodes, English Version)

Judul: The Lord of The Rings Trilogy (The Fellowship of The Ring, The Two Towers & The Return of The King)
Penulis: J.R.R. Tolkien

Kulit Muka: Soft Cover
Tebal: viii + 1150 Halaman
Berat Buku: 770g
Penerbit: Harper Collins Publishers
Tahun: 2001
Kondisi: Cukup Bagus (BUKU BEKAS/Kondisi fisik sesuai foto)
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Harga: Rp. 80.000,- (SOLD OUT)


Buku Novel The Lord Of The Rings trilogy ( The Fellowship of the ring , The Two Towers dan The Return of the King ) . Bahasa Inggris . Tebal halaman 1150 . Plus Silsilah tokoh LOTR. Cerita cerita tentang middle earth , Latar Belakang Tokoh LOTR ,peta peta dari middle earth , kolom bahasa , tulisan elf / mahluk middle earth dan calender middle earth .

Lihat Juga: The Children of Hurin

This is the complete Lord of The Rings Trilogy
From the wonderful landscapes of the Shire and Lothlorien, to thestark and sunless land of Mordor, the courageous Hobbits pursuetheir quest, bearing the awesome Ring of Sauron, the Dark Lord! This epic trilogy takes up where The Hobbit leaves off, tracing the legend of the One Ring,found by Bilbo in the Goblin's cave, to its final destruction inthe Crack of Doom.

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